All Workshops > Life Skills

Life Skills - Empowering Independence

Life skills are the various types of skills needed to fully participate in the activities of everyday life. From washing the dishes, to doing your laundry, to internet safety, social skills and emotional regulation, these are just some examples of life skills.

There are numerous life skills we engage in on a day to day basis with varying levels of support. The more independent one is at completing their daily activities, the better quality of life they will lead, the more confident they will become and an increased self esteem they will own.

In this workshop you will learn about why teaching life skills is important, how to teach them and what kinds of skills to teach.

Length: 1 hour

 Learning Outcomes

  • Learn about the importance of teaching life skills

  • Gain some positive support strategies to promote life skill development

  • Learn about various types of life skills and appropriate skills for different age groups

Workshop Date - Coming Soon

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